Nepal Earthquake Response: Food pack distribution for 500 families in a mountainous region
After 4 hours of journeying through intense undulating mountain roads, our team arrived in Sindupalchowk district located east of the capital Kathmandu and one of the most severely devastated regions in last month’s earthquake. Here, landslides and fallen boulders cut off roads and villages located farther in the mountains have become isolated. Aid from the government and other countries have started to trickle in, but clearing debris by hand is difficult work and the row of collapsed houses remain untouched as evidence of the severe shaking that struck the site.
A-PAD and Peace Winds Japan’s joint mission, in parallel with medical support, continued to distribute relief goods on May 6th.
In order to efficiently deliver the ration packs, we collaborated beyond sectoral borders with the government, businesses and NGOs and cooperated with local volunteers as well as a Japanese company manufacturing goods in Nepal.
In Khubinde village located within Sindapalchowk district, it is believed that approximately 95% of the houses have been partially or completely destroyed. Following the distribution of 200 ration packs last May 2nd, the joint team loaded 9 vehicles with relief goods, and provided packs each containing 25 kilos of rice, 1 liter of cooking oil, 4 kilos of lentils, and 1 kilo of salt to 500 affected households.
Chihiro Taguchi, Manager for Nepal of Motherhouse, Ltd. (CEO Eriko Yamaguchi), which provided space for the repacking or relief goods, as well as prominent Nepalese social activist Susmita Maskey also supported our team in today’s distribution. Ms. Taniguchi says “It is the first time for me to collaborate with an NGO and participate in the distribution of relief goods. I was impressed at the fact that the goods were delivered to the affected through a number of steps.”
Through the support of many, we were able to provide relief to those in the remote areas. However, because of the severity of the damage last month’s earthquake has caused, there is still a huge number of people who require aid. Local resident Indra Kumali (53) who lives with his married son lost her daughter in law in the earthquake. She expressed sadly “My daughter in law was trapped under the rubble. My two grandchildren left are still young and they won’t understand that their mother has died. We have lost everything.”

More than 7,600 people lost their lives in Nepal. It will take a long time before people are able to return to their normal lives. Your support will help them regain their lives faster. Make a donation.