Nepal Earthquake Response: Bangladesh medical team continues medical assistance
A-PAD member from Bangladesh Dhaka Community Hospital Trust’s medical team deployed to Nepal after the earthquake and currently continues its medical assistance activities for affected people in 7 mountain villages in Kavrepalanchok District (Kavre) located 30km southeast of Kathmandu.
One month after April 25th that recorded the 7.8 magnitude earthquake, as the number of injured needing care gradually decreases, local residents who lost their homes continue to live outdoors and many, possibly because of anxiety for the future, complain about various physical symptoms such as headaches and high blood pressure and visit DCH Trust’s clinic or mobile clinic for those in villages with difficult access.
DCH Trust revisited its patients whom it has treated to check the condition of their injuries and state of healing. The patients received medicines and were on the road to recovery in a relieved state of condition. The need for medical assistance is still high and on some days the team sees more than 180 patients.
Through the mobile clinic, in addition to providing healthcare, the team also conducts demonstration on proper hand washing for children as well as distribution of water purification tablets. Moreover, when necessary they also make house calls to patients who are unable to take themselves to the clinic. A local female patient who received initial treatment by DCH Trust at the onset of the clinic’s establishment and is now recovering at home after receiving surgery for vertebral fractures at a hospital is steadily recuperating with the pain already gone from both her legs. She expresses her deep gratitude for the rapid initial response of the medical team.

Discussions with representatives of the disaster prevention and response platform on multisector collaboration
DCH Trust is planning to continue its medical assistance until June 15th through the emergency response funds from A-PAD while considering the possibility of mid-term assistance together with A-PAD Management Office and A-PAD Sri Lanka.
A-PAD will continue its relief assistance for those affected by the earthquake in Nepal. Your support will help more people on the ground. Make a donation.