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【A-PAD Indonesia】 A-PAD Hosts Capacity Building Trainings

Updates from Indonesia

【A-PAD Indonesia】 A-PAD Hosts Capacity Building Trainings


In November 2022, a deadly earthquake struck Cianjur, Indonesia. Although Cianjur is about 90 km from the capital, Jakarta, tremors lasting about 7 seconds were also recorded there. The working population of Jakarta is about 7 million people and the Jabodetabek metropolitan area has about 24 million people, so when the disaster struck panic gripped the city.

In recent years, experts predict a possibility of a megathrust earthquake with a maximum magnitude of 8.5 to 8.8 occurring in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, with possible significant impact in Jakarta. However, according to a survey conducted by earthquake experts at the Bandung Institute of Technology, 75% of buildings do not meet earthquake resistance standards and another survey shows that 95% of the public is unaware of the risk. The nation is currently reviewing disaster risk management.

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On May 14, A-PAD Indonesia hosted a capacity building training in Jakarta with the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB) and PT Surveyor Indonesia. The training was attended by 30 participants from corporate partners and local authorities.

The training was focused on reviewing the earthquake-resistant structures and evacuation routes for major buildings, such as East Jakarta’s City Hall, Kramat Jati Market, and South Jakarta’s Pacific Place Mall, using test hammers and touchscreen proformators.

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Jakarta’s high-rise buildings built before 2000 could be severely damaged by a magnitude 9 earthquake, making this training an important part of ensuring the safety of Jakarta’s critical infrastructure. 

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On May 16 and 17, an occupational safety and health awareness workshop and 130 corporate staff members attended.

The Indonesian government stipulates the obligation for companies to implement occupational and health standards based on the Industrial Safety Act No. 1 of 1970, but the efforts are still limited to the capacity of each company and there are cases where worker safety is not ensured. 

A-PAD held an occupational safety and health awareness workshop in collaboration with the Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Bureau and the Altagraha Group, a major company in a variety of fields including real estate and finance. The participants discussed action plans during emergencies so that company employees can manage risks in the workplace and achieve zero accidents.

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