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【A-PAD Indonesia】 DRR Forum – Disaster Resilient Tourism Villages

Updates from Indonesia

【A-PAD Indonesia】 DRR Forum – Disaster Resilient Tourism Villages


A-PAD Indonesia held the “Disaster Resilience Outlook Forum” on July 23, 2024. Approximately 40 people from private companies, government agencies, and NGOs/CSOs involved in disaster prevention and response gathered at the venue in Jakarta, and more than 100 people participated online.

3・東ヌサトゥンガラ州西マンガライ県トンドンブラン(Tondong Belang)村の村長が語る

A-PAD Indonesia has previously held events with various stakeholders to promote understanding of trends in natural disasters in Indonesia, disaster prediction and prevention. This year’s focus was disaster-resilient tourism villages. By combining village tourism development with disaster-resilient community development, A-PAD aimed to create initiatives that will bring great benefits to both the tourism industry and the local communities.


At the forum, A-PAD Indonesia introduced the hotel disaster preparedness certification system and efforts to strengthen the resilience of the entire tourist sector. In addition, in order to reach a common understanding towards creating a disaster-resistant tourism village, the relevant stakeholders shared information from the following five perspectives.

1. Policy to build disaster-resistant villages (National Disaster Management Agency):

A representative from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) introduced a program to build disaster-resilient villages at the national and local levels, and also explained the significance and effects of cross-sectoral cooperation using specific examples. .

2. Strategic policy for tourism villages (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy):

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which implements the Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI*), explained the ADWI implementation guidelines. ADWI is one of the measures to create employment in rural areas where depopulation is progressing.

3. The role of communities towards sustainable tourism villages (3 village leaders of):

The village chiefs from three villages that have received high praise including receiving ADWI awards in the past discussed their efforts to become a “tourist village,” the role of the community, and sustainability.

4. Role of the private sector (Astra International):

A program manager from Astra International, Indonesia’s largest automobile production and sales company, took the stage and introduced an example of the “Disaster-Resilient Tourist Village” initiative that Astra Group is implementing with the Tourism Bureau, and talked about the role of the private sector.

5. Disaster-resilient tourism village from an academic perspective (University of Indonesia Disaster Center):

The director of the Disaster Center of the University of Indonesia (DRRC UI) introduced research on disaster-resilient tourism villages (indicators, guidelines, measurement tools, risk management implementation, and impact analysis).

4・5 真ん中アストラ、右DRRC UI長

This project was implemented as part of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs NGO Collaboration Grant Aid Project.