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【A-PAD Indonesia】 Disaster Risk Reduction in Tourism

Updates from Indonesia

【A-PAD Indonesia】 Disaster Risk Reduction in Tourism


A-PAD Indonesia is focusing on  strengthening the disaster preparedness and mitigation capabilities of local communities and the tourism sector. In Lombok Island, one of the project sites, local governments and companies are working together to make use of the lessons learned from the major earthquake that struck in 2018.

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On April 17th, officials from the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Disaster Prevention Bureau, Tourism Bureau, Regional Development Planning Agency, Indonesia Hotel and Restaurant Association, and other stakeholders gathered to discuss disaster risk reduction.

The tourism disaster risk reduction program is an initiative to protect the safety of tourists in the event of a disaster or accident – A-PAD Indonesia is promoting a disaster prevention certification system. A-PAD is working to incorporate the tourism disaster risk reduction program into the regional development plan of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Disaster Prevention Bureau. We are aiming to strengthen cooperation among various disaster response stakeholders.

In the future, A-PAD Indonesia seeks to establish the hotel disaster prevention certification program as the standard in Indonesia, strengthen resilience in the tourism sector, and bring sustainable development in tourism to the region. 

This project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan’s Grant Aid for Japanese NGO Projects.