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【A-PAD Bangladesh】 International symposium held

Updates from Bangladesh

【A-PAD Bangladesh】 International symposium held


CIS (Community Initiative Society) and A-PAD organized an international symposium titled “Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Building Resilience: Safer Community, Safer Society” in Dhaka on November 22. 

The symposium was organized in order to establish a Disaster Risk Reduction Network among various stakeholders, to gather knowledge, and to share information and experiences on disaster management strategies.

Onishi-san (Sinta san, Hashim san)

In his remarks, Mr. Kensuke Onishi, A-PAD’s CEO, gave an overview of A-PAD’s efforts over the past 10 years and the outlook for next decade focusing on social impact investment.

Mr. Saber Hossain Chowdhury, MP, also former president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, gave video messages on multi-sector involvement for sustainable development.


Mr. Naoki Ito, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh, spoke on the importance of the numerous disaster relief efforts that have been made by A-PAD, and stated that the future development of Bangladesh is essential for the entire Indo-Pacific region.

In the panel discussion session, panelists from the Government of Bangladesh, civil society organizations, and academia shared valuable ideas and experiences, The theme focused on “Disaster Management Cycle and Community Resilience” and “Participatory Rural Appraisal of Vulnerable Community in Disaster Preparedness, Planning and Relief Management”. 


At the end of the symposium, a signing ceremony with the local partners was held and ten new NGOs signed to join the A-PAD Bangladesh National Platform.