【A-PAD Nepal】 A-PAD Partners with National Business Initiative
On December 2, 2021, the A-PAD Liaison Office in Nepal held a kickoff meeting with a local partner organization, the National Business Initiative (NBI). NBI organizes chambers of commerce across the country and maintains a strong network. During the kickoff meeting, A-PAD and NBI signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU).
Yoshihiro Imoto, A-PAD’s coordinator based in Nepal said, “We shared the case study from Sri Lanka where the platform was strengthened through a partnership with a local chamber of commerce. We reiterated that A-PAD can also build an effective platform while leveraging NBI’s vast network. When signing the MoU, both parties affirmed the intention to build a long-lasting partnership and NBI requested that A-PAD introduce its activities to member businesses during NBI’s next annual meeting. The A-PAD Liaison Office would like to do our best toward building a successful platform.”
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*This activity is funded by the Government of Japan.