The Jakarta Flood Report
The continuously more than three days high intensity raining on January 16 ? 17, 2013, caused flood to drown more than 70% of land of Jakarta capital city of Indonesia. More than 30 sub-districts were already hit by floods in since early morning of 16 January 2013. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) report, the flooding rendered 41 casualties and displaced more than 45,000 people at its peak.
Right after the Jakarta Flood has reported to PLANAS Indonesia, PLANAS have decided to appoint HFI (Humanitarian Forum Indonesia) as a focal person of the Jakarta Flood Response. Active member of this response is MPBI (Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia), HFI, IBL (Indonesia Business Link), Karina (Caritas Indonesia), SKALA, Unilever, and Dompet Duafa. Caritas Indonesia coordinated with local NGO LDD (Lembaga Daya Dhama) to distribute generators, rubber boats, plastic sheets, and food packs to more than 5,000 people at various locations throughout Jakarta. As for private sector’s response to the flood victims, various sectors, such as telecommunication, home appliance, automobile, and pharma companies took advantage of its characteristics to conduct the flood response coordinated with IBL. For instance, Samsung Indonesia distributed necessary home appliance products to a temporary shelter. PT Honda Prospect Motor provided free of charge towing service.
To support PLANAS’ activity, responding to Asia Pacific Alliance’s call, CF (Civic Force) has collected donations from its supporters. The entire donation collected by CF went straight to PLANAS’s activities.
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