This year again, a series of disasters struck Asia and affected the lives of many. In Japan, starting with the Northern...
On December 3, in response to Typhoon No.28 (Kammuri, locally known as Tisoy) which hit the Philippines' Luzon Island, A...
The crowdfunding platform "LIFULL Social Funding" will be permanently closed at the end of January. As a result, A-PAD w...
On October 12, a large and powerful Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis) made landfall in east Japan. A series of flooding and landsl...
From August to mid-October, Sri Lanka experienced enormous damage due to a series of torrential rains. According to the...
On August 27-28, Northern Kyushu was hit by record levels of heavy rain. The series of heavy rain left three deaths in S...
Click Here to Watch the Video A-PAD Davao, one of the regional disaster assistance platforms under A-PAD Philippi...
On October 31 at around 9:11am local time, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck the southern Philippine island of Mindanao....
On October 17, 2019, A-PAD Japan participated in an international symposium on disaster management held by Yonsei ...
A-PAD Philippines participated in the 100th year anniversary event of the Davao Japanese Community from October 4-6, 201...