As at 23rd December 2014, heavy flooding in fifteen districts due to torrential rains and over spilling of reservoir...
Relief Response to Floods – 24th December 2014
As at 23rd December 2014, heavy flooding in fifteen districts due to torrential rains and over spilling of reservoir...
A massive landslide in Meeriyabadda area in Kotabathma Grama Niladhari Division in the Haldumulla division of Badull...
Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD) continues to operate in Nepal assisting the needs of populatio...
As reported on 6th March, 30 more water tanks with taps have been delivered to the locations identified in Uduvil, S...
In aid of those affected by drought in Sri Lanka, Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD) headquarters...