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【A-PAD Indonesia】 DRR Training Held for High School Students

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【A-PAD Indonesia】 DRR Training Held for High School Students


On January 26 – 27, 2024, A-PAD Indonesia, Jakarta’s Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) and DMC (Disaster Management Center) jointly held a flood disaster risk reduction training for 25 participants including high school students.

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The theme of the training was “Learning Jakarta Flood Disaster Management – Batavia Trail Exploration.” Jakarta has suffered flooding disasters since the beginning of the 17th century, due to various factors such as rapid economic development, urbanization, deforestation, land subsidence, and flooding in the Ciliwung River. 

 During the training, participants learned about the history of flooding in Jakarta and also experienced the changes in the river’s force and current while rafting in the river. They also learned about the structure of flood gate facilities, flood control centers, and flood countermeasures in Jakarta. During the visit to the Indonesian Naval Hydrological and Marine Center, participants learned about the effects of tides on flooding and the geography from water sources to the sea.


研修2日目は、 2022年に完成したジャカルタのスマートシティ開発のプロジェクトの一環で建設された治水センターを見学。水資源局職員から、プロジェクトの目的や仕組み・水位管理、近隣地域の下水処理施設について説明を受けました

On the second day, the participants toured a flood control center built in 2022 as part of Jakarta’s smart city development project. The Water Resources Department officials explained about the purpose and structure of the project, water level management, and sewage treatment facilities in nearby areas. 

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A-PAD Indonesia manages an information portal webpage, Disasterchannel, to raise awareness around disaster risk reduction. This training was part of this initiative and also aimed to train the next generation.

The training was featured in the BPBD’s social media:

Website: Jelajah Jejak Batavia 2024 (

Instagram: Sabtu (27/01) BPBD DKI Jakarta melaksanakan Jelajah Jejak Batavia mengusung tema “Wisata edukasi pengendalian bencana banjir 2024”. Acara… | Instagram

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This project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan’s Grant Aid for Japanese NGO Projects.