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【A-PAD Indonesia】 A-PAD Participates in International Workshop and Training for Youths

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【A-PAD Indonesia】 A-PAD Participates in International Workshop and Training for Youths


JAKARTA, Indonesia, December 4 – 8, 2023 – A-PAD Indonesia participated in the 3rd International Workshop and Training on Youth and Young Professionals in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation for Disaster and Climate Resilience hosted by UNESCO, National Research and Innovation Agency, and U-Inspire Alliance.

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During the workshop held on December 4, A-PAD Indonesia’s Executive Director, Sinta Kaniawati and discussed the A-PAD’s activities. She highlighted that “Overcoming the challenges of disasters and climate change requires everyone working together. As A-PAD focuses on efforts to save more lives in the Asia-Pacific region, we look forward to expanding our opportunities to work with young people like you. We believe in the power of science, engineering and technology to revolutionize disaster and climate resilience and realize A-PAD’s mission.”

More details, please take a look at the report:

Report_The 3rd International WorkshopTraining on Youth and Young Professionals

The event was featured in the local media:

BRIN | Encouraging the Utilisation of Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation for Disaster and Climate, BRIN Holds International Workshop and Training for Young Generation

Prevention Web|The 3rd International Workshop and training on Youth and Young Professionals in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation for Disaster and Climate Resilience – Empowering The Powerful: Overturn Inequality By Building Resiliency