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【COVID-19/A-PAD Indonesia】 A-PAD Indonesia Signs Partnership Agreement with Global Compact Network at International Symposium

Updates from Indonesia

【COVID-19/A-PAD Indonesia】 A-PAD Indonesia Signs Partnership Agreement with Global Compact Network at International Symposium


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YouTube link to watch the recording of the symposium.

 On June 10, A-PAD Indonesia hosted the 2021 A-PAD International Symposium in Jakarta themed “Private Sector Involvement in Strengthening Disaster Resilience Capacity – Looking for the Locomotive of Economic Recovery after the Pandemic.” The symposium was held in-person and broadcasted online and participated by 180 people from businesses, public sector, NPOs, and DRR practitioners in Indonesia as well as A-PAD representatives from Japan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and the Philippines.

Representatives from the Government of Indonesia, the private sector, the Japanese Embassy in Indonesia, and A-PAD gave the following remarks:

 Ambassador Kanasugi Speech

Mr. Kenji Kanasugi (opening remark), Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia:

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I would like to emphasize the importance of investing in disaster risk reduction (DRR). Disaster recovery is not just about building back what we used to have but reducing risks of future disasters and promoting Build Back Better. It is also crucial to partner with the private sector to build a disaster resilient society.

Mr. Kensuke Onishi, A-PAD CEO:

A-PAD has promoted multi-sectoral disaster assistance and built partnerships with various actors. For example, A-PAD Japan partnered with businesses and civil society organizations through SEMA (Social Emergency Management Alliance) and built an emergency assistance mechanism. SEMA makes a list of available resources of each member company and enables effective and efficient relief delivery in emergencies. During the July 2020 heavy rain disasters, A-PAD Japan was able to provide many relief items to the disaster-affected areas despite restrictions imposed by COVID-19. 

Ms. Sinta Kaniawati, A-PAD Indonesia Chairperson:

The Asia region is prone to constant and large-scale natural disasters and COVID-19 now adds to another layer of challenges to recovery and development. It is important to have opportunities to share lessons learned and strengthen regional partnerships. I hope we all can learn through these international symposiums.  

The symposium concluded with a signing ceremony, a strategic partnership agreement between A-PAD Indonesia and the Indonesia Global Compact Network. This partnership aims to accelerate post-pandemic economic growth through increased roles of the private sector in disaster risk reduction activities.

 スクリーンショット 2021-07-02 15.50.51-min

The symposium was featured on the Disaster Channel. The Disaster Channel offers DRR and other disaster information on their website. More details.