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【A-PAD Philippines】 National Platform Conference in Manila

Updates from Philippines

【A-PAD Philippines】 National Platform Conference in Manila


On October 16, a national platform meeting was hosted by A-PAD Philippines in Manila.


At the conference, representatives from various organizations involved in disaster relief, including local governments, chambers of commerce, and universities in the Philippines participating in the A-PAD National Platform, gathered to discuss the achievements and lessons learned from their activities to date.

IMG_3360 (遠藤大使登壇)

Ambassador Kazuya Endo and Secretary Tokiko Nishimura from the Japanese Embassy in the Philippines also attended the conference. Ambassador Endo gave an opening remark to kick off the meeting.


The participants confirmed that in addition to leveraging the networks that have been built during disaster response, they would further strengthen their cooperative structure in the future. In the second part, a workshop was held in which representatives from each sector formed teams and discussed the given topics. The participants exchanged lively discussions and reaffirmed the importance of building networks.