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for Disaster Management


Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) & A-PAD Staff Meeting



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The 2024 Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) kicked off on October 14, 2024 in Manila, Philippines. The purpose of this conference is to “monitor, review and enhance cooperation for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the regional level.” Organizations across all sectors including governmental entities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and those from the private sector convened to discuss strategies in reducing disaster risk.

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Firzan Hashim, Chief Operating Officer of A-PAD, participated in a partner event titled “Resilient Futures: Bridging Science and Business Solutions.” This panel discussion reflected on the contributions of the private sector in humanitarian aid and the scientific and business innovations the sector can offer.

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The moderator asked Mr. Hashim what incentives encourage companies to continue providing scientific and technological solutions in emergency response, especially when they themselves face limited resources and competing priorities. He emphasized the importance of building trust to ensure that there is accountability, transparency, and – in assistance during a crisis – the ability to maximize the response so that the needs of the affected are met. A-PAD found that during times of crises the private sector was eager to help because if societal systems failed the private sector fails as well. In this context, the trust that the platforms or partnerships create becomes a catalyst for change – a change where trust is created, and resources are multiplied.

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June Kunugi, Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific at UNICEF, provided the session’s closing remarks. She thanked the panel for sharing valuable insights and experiences on the bold collaborations and partnerships among private sector champions. While the further development and realization of the private sector’s untapped potential is important, she urged the audience to keep in mind who are we building a resilient future for and who should benefit the most from bridging science and business solutions. It is critical that those who will benefit the most from these solutions are firmly put at the center of planning and implementation.

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A-PAD also set up an exhibition booth at the Marketplace where visitors could learn more about the participating organizations. Through this event, we hope to build collaborative partnerships with other organizations to save more lives in less time.

A-PAD Board/Staff Meeting

A-PAD staff from each of the six member national platforms were in attendance at APMCDRR and took this rare opportunity to gather for A-PAD’s board/staff meeting. The staff shared on some of their platform’s activities and the best practices they picked up from their experiences. The lessons learned will inform A-PAD’s strategy and implementation plans to better assist disaster-affected people.Screenshot 2024-10-14 124343

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