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A-PAD Preliminary Needs Assessment in the Eastern Province

Updates from Sri Lanka

A-PAD Preliminary Needs Assessment in the Eastern Province


In the wake of the success of 2015, the A-PAD in Sri Lanka hopes to expand its outreach beyond the District Platforms this year. These will be replicated by the much broader Provincial Platforms that seek to integrate actors in DRR from many districts in the Northern, Southern and Eastern provinces. The District Platforms of Jaffna and Hambantota will continue within the Northern and Southern Provincial Platforms respectively, with the introduction of new District Platforms in the Batticaloa and Trincomalee Districts which will be absorbed into a wider Eastern Provincial Platform as well.

Project staff from Colombo’s Management Office was in the eastern districts of Trincomalee and Batticaloa this past week to conduct what was the preliminary needs assessment of the regions. Much of what was ascertained was akin to the situations in the Northern and Southern ends of the island; extreme weather patterns such as flood and drought coincide in both districts with erratic monsoons and dry spells. Both beautiful tourist hubs, the private sector deals with the direct impact of frequent unprecedented disaster.

The team was in meeting with several public and private sector officials while on the 4 day field visit. Meeting with the Government Agents/District Secretaries, Disaster Management Centre officials and District Chamber of Commerce in both districts, the project activity was explained and plans are underway to conduct primary network meetings. The support from both sectors was overwhelming as they welcomed the concept as a timely intervention in the region. The District Chambers will support the district as a focal point for the provincial platforms.



A-PAD Sri Lanka